What does Quantum Field Theory tell us about the reality of our universe (and by extension everything in it)? And how might that apply to our business environments? And how should that shape our quantum thinking?
Good questions that cut right to the chase on what it takes to be a Quantum Radical. So let’s get down to it. First, Quantum Field Theory at its most basic interpretation is that the universe is composed of various energy fields and that all these fields are interconnected. Ok, that seems simple enough but what does interconnected really mean? Well, what that means to me is that in order to make decisions at the local level you need to consider the impact and influence from the global level and vice versa. How often in our business environments do we make decisions and then have to live with unexpected “unanticipated consequences.” The reason is that the original decision missed something–some subset of interconnections were not accounted for.
Let me give you a scenario to think about. I even hope it hurts your head a bit.
Decisions on office space, office furniture, seating arrangements, lighting, and all the related decisions that accompany making the Office are usually based on criteria like cost, durability of the furniture, vendor discounts, etc. In other words, the Office plan is based on various criteria that are relatively easy to calculate and cost out. What is usually not considered is the impact of the Office plan on your health because most managers and even building architects (not all) do not even know or realize that these other health interconnections even exist.
How often do employees complain of lousy chairs, poor lighting (especially fluorescent lights that sometimes buzz), and lack of privacy in their minuscule cubicles. Well, the traditional way of thinking is that people need to sit in chairs, and we need to provide light in the environment, and cubicles are cost-effective to provide the employee a place to do his or her work. The quantum way of thinking would consider the other important interconnections that might influence the Office plan. For example, humans are a very active species, so sitting down isn’t exactly what they are designed for, and in fact, there are studies out there that suggest a connection to ill health from sitting too much. Maybe an office with standing desks would be a better option than chairs. Also, our eyes have evolved to accommodate natural sunlight, not an artificial approximation of light. Perhaps that is a significant health mismatch over time as well.
So sitting down in a chair and dealing with artificial light in a constricted cubicle may satisfy the accountant but ultimately may lead to an unhealthy work force with attendant rising health care costs. See how all of this can be interconnected even if not obvious from the traditional way of doing business. All things are interconnected. Making one set of decisions (the Office plan) without considering another set of decisions (employee health) creates a significant mismatch. I believe there is growing evidence that our technologies (and office space is a set of technologies) are actually making us sick because they are often deployed without real consideration on the impact they may have on other criteria that are not considered in making the deployment decision. And the reason they are not considered is because, well, frankly, most managers are totally blind to these other factors.
I can point you to Jack Kruse’s website on Optimal Health. He has a number of blogs that go into great detail about these technological and health mismatches. Worth reading! In fact, he takes scientific findings from evolutionary biology and evolutionary medicine and is wrapping them hard in the language of quantum biology. Talk about discovering modern technology and health mismatches. Very fascinating stuff.
I believe that the enlightened corporation of the future will select worker health criteria as a principle criteria along with cost criteria when making the Office plan. Right now, my experience is that worker health is not a major consideration at all. And we wonder why health care costs go up–our office environments are un-designed from a health perspective and mis-designed because usually cost is the major/only decision criterion.
Here is a possible market opportunity. A holistic view of the Office using many more criteria creating a broader more interconnected place to be productive. The technologies deployed in the office of the future would be ones that are consistent with a healthy human and in fact, should enhance health and vitality.
Yes, quantum thinking can create new opportunities if we just think about things differently. Quantum field theory says everything is interconnected. Well how about making the connection that unhealthy working environments result in rising employee ill health. Maybe there is a connection. I think so.
Be a Quantum Radical and challenge the traditional office plan. A healthy working environment is undoubtedly good for the bottom line, if we just knew how to make the interconnections.
Quantum Radical